Thursday, June 23, 2011

Spinach and Cheese Muffins

If there is one thing that always grows well and abundantly in our patch, it is spinach! And so I am on a mission to find yummy spinach recipes .... Honestly spinach just doesn't do it for my lot, unless I hide it ...
A generous bunch of spinach, washed, stems removed, dried and sliced thinly
1 egg
about 1/2 cup cheddar or feta
2 cups flour
about 1 cup milk
2 and 1.2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt if using cheddar
black pepper
Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix.
Beat egg and milk together and then add to your dry ingredients.
Mix till lumpy.
Add more milk if need be, you want it sticky.
Add cheese, black pepper and spinach.
Mix and bake at 180C for 20 minutes.

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