Sunday, June 26, 2011

This week in the garden ...

After living in Mauritius, I was on a mission to plant my own Shu Shu (Chayote) but just couldn't find it here. So imagine my excitement when I saw them growing in New Zealand and saw the seeds in their catalogies.... only to find out they have discontinued it as they were becoming invasive. And then I managed to order some from Mountain Herb Estate.... so I got all excited all over again. So here they are in a box, you just leave them whole and then they start sprouting...It is still a bit chilly to plant them out, so I will plant them in pots and keep them indoors until the chill leaves and the sun comes out to play again...
Tiggy in the garden

Pak Choi! and here is one of our old girls....

The new girls....

and the first egg from the newbies ... let's hope they get bigger!

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